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In addition to Beethoven's Choral Fantasy the program for this concert will also include:

Morning Mood from Peer Gynt  /  Edvard Grieg

Norwegian Dance no. 2  /  Edvard Grieg

Symphonic Dance no. 1  /  Edvard Grieg

Mamachimowin for choir and low strings  /  Andrew Balfour

Prelude to Lohengrin  /  Richard Wagner

The Tender Land  Suite  /  Aaron Copland


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Roger Admiral performs music from the 17th to the 21st century, and teaches piano at University of Alberta, Augustana Campus. Performances include György Ligeti's Piano Concerto with the Victoria Symphony Orchestra, the piano works of Iannis Xenakis for Vancouver New Music, Matthew Ricketts Meloscuro with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, and collaborations on recitals for Curto-Circuito de Música Contemporaneous Brazil, Festival of Contemporary Polish Music (WrocÅ‚aw), New Music Concerts (Toronto), Lincoln Center's Great Performers series, Carnegie / Weill Hall, and Donaueschinger Musiktage.


Dr. John Wiebe is an award-winning conductor, pianist, educator, adjudicator and clinician based in Edmonton, Alberta, where he is the Director of Music and Choral Activities at the University of Alberta-Augustana campus, and for 21 years was the Artistic & Executive Director of the Edmonton Youth & Children’s Choirs. John has studied at Wilfrid Laurier University, the University of Alberta, with Frieder Bernius from Stuttgart, Germany, and in Vienna, Austria. Choirs under his dynamic leadership have recorded six CD’s, performed coast-to-coast across Canada and around the world (Europe, Russia, South America and China), and have received awards for their performances locally, nationally and at the Langollen Music Festival and the World Choir Games. John is a regular clinician and adjudicator across the country, is a Past-President of Choral Canada and likes to keep in shape for his music schedule by travelling with his family, running, and playing hockey.

Augustana Choral Program: The Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta, located in Camrose, AB, is the proud home of four unique choral ensembles, three of which are composed of students and community members from as far away as Edberg and Edmonton.  Through the exploration of music from a variety of times and places, these choirs work to develop a broad sense of cultural awareness and cultivate an appreciation for the richness of the choral art. In addition, strong emphasis is placed on the development of the vocal instrument and gaining an understanding of foundational musical concepts.  Three of these choirs will participate in this concert:

Sangkor (pronounced sahng-kohr), is the Norwegian word for "song choir".  This group explores the depth and beauty of the vast treble-choir tradition.  

Mannskor draws from the bountiful lower-voice choral tradition to find comradery, joy, and often some silliness, in the rehearsal and performance process. 

Both of these ensembles are non-auditioned and open to students, faculty and staff, as well as members of the community.

The Augustana Choir is the auditioned chamber choir on the Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta. This choir performs a diverse range of a cappella choral music, from Renaissance to the latest in contemporary choral compositions.  In keeping with the liberal-arts tradition of the Augustana campus, singers in the choir come from all disciplines and departments, creating a rich milieu for musical exploration and growth.  TAC is led by Dr. John Wiebe, Director of Music at the Augustana Campus.  The choir tours annually across Alberta and Western Canada, with regular international tours, including Austria and Hungary in May of 2023.  TAC has performed at provincial and national choral conferences and in fall 2024 released its latest CD recording, Distracted by Beauty.

Ticket Information 


Adults:  $25 |  Seniors/Students:  $20


Available through: 

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