It's our 70th Anniversary!!
In this 2022-2023 season we acknowledge and celebrate the impact the EYO has had on thousands of young musicians over the past 70 years!

Check out our:

Celebrating Musical Excellence: 70 Years of the Edmonton Youth Orchestra 1952-2022.
By Josephine Boxwell
The Edmonton Youth Orchestra has been providing exceptional orchestral education to young musicians since 1952. With contributions from students, music directors, general managers and board members, this commemorative book tells a 70-year story of repertoire, rehearsals, performances and a love of orchestral music.
Available for purchase:
at rehearsals/concerts
through the EYO office (780-569-5290 | eyo@shaw.ca )
Price: $30 + shipping. Where shipping is required, please contact the EYO office for full price. Payment can be made via cheque, cash or e-transfer (to eyo@shaw.ca).
This project was funded in part by the Government of Alberta.